You are here: Jafuna / Fun - Games / Miner 1889 / Buy Miner 1889
Buy Miner from clickgamer.com for 4.39 US$
You can buy it if you are from: All locations

I understand that I should test the trial version first, to see if the game really works on my phone.

Buy Miner from Jafuna.com starting at 2,98 Euro (Germany)  
You can buy it if you are from: The Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Switzerland, Austria, United Kingdom, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Denmark, Norway, Finland, France, Australia

I understand that I should test the trial version first, to see if the game really works on my phone.

I understand that Java Games are collected from get.jafuna.com using my mobile phone. My phone has full working unrestricted WAP access. I accept that no refund can be made for Java Games.

If you are not sure about the WAP setup of your phone you can test it by downloading the trial version of Miner 1889. To install the trial version please use the webbrowser of your mobile phone. Got to the page wap.jafuna.com and download the game. Please note there may be costs to download the file depending on the provider you are using.

If you have problems to download the game or need help please write an email to info@jafuna.com

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